Apathy is the New Prozac
Longtime readers from my old blog may be wondering what happened to the outspoken and strident (politically and otherwise) LA. I mean, a complete fascist was just confirmed to the Supreme Court, our idiot president just spun more fictional fairy tales on television, and that imperialistic uber-bitch of daytime talk just burned another author at the stake to placate her swollen-yet-fragile ego. Typically, these types of events would inspire me to write volumes of impassioned discourse. But as you can see, I haven't addressed any of those items in recent days, focusing instead on pedestrian matters such as the Academy Awards and Jake Gyllenhaal's supreme hotness. And don't get me wrong, I am passionate about the latter. But still, you may be wondering, what gives?
No, not Prozac. I am presently antidepressant-free for the first time since shortly after 9/11 and that big dose increase after my dad died in 2003. Nope, there's nary a trace of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor floating around my synapses. My neurotransmitters are as pure as the driven snow.
Fact is, I'm just plain tired.
A family member was marveling the other day at my obsession of late with celebrity gossip in general and Jakey in particular. My response was that basically, it's all I have the energy for right now. It's meaningless and irrelevant, so it can't hurt me. Bring it on and let me drown in it. The political culture in this country has left me feeling absolutely powerless, and it really hurts me when I think too hard about all the shit I can't affect. I suppose that's a defeatist attitude, but honest-to-god, it's the best I can do right now. Things are so unbelievably fucked up that I've become numb to anything of importance, and the only curiosity I can muster up is over whether Wilmer Valderrama celebrated his birthday the other day at Level 3, Mood, or Club LAX. (It was Level 3.)
Trust me, I know this is all very, very sick. I'm one of those annoying people who never has her television on, but I'm thisclose to ordering cable so that I can watch HGTV 24/7. Decorating, knitting, and celebrity gossip will serve nicely as my insulation from the big bad world.

v_v - Yeah, I've been knitting for almost six years now, and I've seen and participated in various charitable knitting events (knit for the cure, chemo caps for people with cancer, helmet liners for troops, etc.). I'll do that search on blogger, though. Thanks for the tip!
I knitted a scarf once :) But I agree with you on the whole celebrity thing.. it's so silly that it just can't stress youout at all. I completely appreciate that, and I think it's why I visit DListed. I hear the news all day, it's sort of an anti-stress toxin. So... I'm with you LA :) Cheer up, buddy. XO
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