Say what?
Every year around this time, my brother's old college band gets together to play in L.A. Every year, I am their guest chick singer, and this year is no exception. I usually sing No Doubt or Pat Benatar, or the perennial standby favorite, "I Will Survive."I had dinner with the siblings tonight, and during the meal, my brother turned to me and said, "Oh by the way, you're doing a new song this year." You'll never believe what it is.

Oh, hell yeah! And you know damn well I'm going to learn at least one verse in German.
And for JoyD and Jane/Gen who love food posts, I don't have pictures, but here's what we had for dinner tonight. First off, le cuisine etait francais. We ate here, at La Creperie. The appetizer was:
Crispy, savory crepes filled with melted Brie cheese, slices of apples, caramelized onions, green peppers and chicken with mango and lime chutney.
Next up, main dish, I enjoyed my:
Chicken breast, artichoke, tomatoes in a basil garlic and cherry wine sauce.
Finally for dessert, we split and totally devoured:
Cinnamon, sugar and butter
Dessert sounds simple, but it was delicious. Cinnamon is one of my favorite flavors; I think it's totally divine.
99 Luftballons is an awsome song! If only I could go see you sing LA.
LA, Ummmmm, your dinner sounds deeeeeelicious! I love, love, love cinnamon too!!
Here you go, a link to the complete lyrics of '99 Luftballons' in both German and English....I love that song btw, and I hope you belt it out in german girl!! Give it your best!
Gutes Glück mit dem Lied!
Thanks for the lyrics, Jane. I need to go out and find that CD today and start learning the song. Pix - It should be a pretty funny night. My brother's band is a lot of fun, they are a cover band and the whole idea of these nights are to go out and get shitfaced and act like we did in college, even though everyone is in their 30s and 40s now.
Omg, that sounded so delicious!!!
I hope you kick ass LA!
That's too much. Do you guys videotape these shows?
Flix - Re: taping. Nah. It's happened once or twice way, WAY back, but usually everyone is too wasted to hold a camera straight for that long or they are dancing.
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