Very adorable dog. I didn't watch much of the show, but it is fun to watch. I really like that movie 'Best in Show'.. have you guys seen it? Heeelarious :)
I often find myself going through life, shaking my head in disbelief at what I see. And then sometimes I am awed by something so stunningly beautiful that I'm breathless. I hope to document both here.
I've been watching this too!
Have fun & Happy Birthday !!!
OMG, this dog is gorgeous!
In the last pic, he totally looks like he is smiling!......Awwwww, so fecking cute!
Have fun LA!!!
See you when you return!
Very adorable dog. I didn't watch much of the show, but it is fun to watch. I really like that movie 'Best in Show'.. have you guys seen it? Heeelarious :)
Naughty - I love that movie!
Great trip, but I'm beat. I'll post tomorrow!
Thanks, Brent! Actually, I'm a Virgo rising, so there. :)
LA I just saw over on DList that it was your Birthday. Happy Birthday
Today is your birthday?
Much happiness!!
Thanks, all! I'm almost old enough to legally drink!!! ;)
LA tell me when your old enough to go drinking. My mother was a bartender so I know how to make a few drinks.
LA, you don't know me but I love your comments over at dlisted. You are funny and intelligent. :)
Happy Birthday! Your eye doesn't look a day over 18!
And I love Rufus too..I'm glad I'm not the only one.
My friends look at me with "wierd eyebrow" when I say I like dogshows.
oh and NV I loved Best in Show!
bird - I know who you are! And thanks for the birthday wishes! :)
Rufus rules!
Happy Birthday LA!!!!!
bird is right, your eye doesn't look a day over eighteen!
Looking good girl! :)
OMG! You guys know that's not really my eye, right?
I know LA, but we can 'pretend' it is yours if that's okay??
*tee hehe*
by all means, I only mention it in the interest of full disclosure.
I thought it could be your eye
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