
One day last week, Tuesday or Wednesday, I joined MySpace. Then, I left Thursday afternoon for Vegas, returning home Saturday only to find out that MySpace had made me something called a "cool new person." This means my face was plastered over the front of MySpace. I had over 1000 "friend" requests
plus over 1000
other messages. And apparently, I'm still featured because even though I weeded through a couple hundred last night, I now have
1100 requests to be friends and just as many messages. OH.MY.GOD. What the hell have I done? The cool thing is, Daniel Lanois is one of my friends (at my initiation, he doesn't troll for friends), and that guy is one righteous genius of a musician. If you don't know Daniel Lanois, check him out at
his website. He's most well-known for being a producer, U2's in particular, but he's extremely compelling in his own right, both as a songwriter and a player. A friend of mine had the supreme pleasure of opening for him a few years ago which is how I had the pleasure to see him live.
Anyway, if you're a MySpacer, my URL is I don't personally know the band I'm featuring right now (The Films), but I found them on MySpace and think they're hot. The song on my profile page is really catchy.
Lani the MySpace star!
LA you are on your way to being the next Tila Tequila!
Michael Trent of the Films is a friend of mine. He dates my neice. Love them!!! So crazy that you have them as your profile song.
I'ts those purty eyes that did it. ;)
LA, you go girl!
Don't forget my clelb page is here now:
How was Vegas?
I love the hat and you are very pretty. You look a bit like Liz Phair.
Pix/Mike - LA Tequila (or single-malt Scotch, ahem)! NOT!
Matt - Those purty eyes are getting a lot of commentary, but they are entirely fraudulant, created with Liz Taylor violet contacts enhanced with very good lighting.
Joy - Thanks for the URL! I posted some comments last night!
Ffleur - I LOVE Daniel Lanois. He's amazing, and btw, he does some of his material in a half-French/half-English linguistic manner he describes as being sort of a regional dialect. Are you familiar with that?
I'll review Vegas sometime this week, after I recover (emotionally).
(p.s. I knit the hat)
Prunella - Thanks! Liz Phair! Wow! I really don't look like her at all in real life, though.
Pope-rah - That is probably the most amazing coincidence ever. I love that song, and you tell your niece to tell Michael Trent that I think those boys are loaded with talent. I discovered them on Markus' page. Markus is Michael K's friend (partner, actually, I believe).
It's Monday morning, back to business as usual.
i hate myspace, i dont understand why everyone loves it so much.
i prefer to go out and drink.
plus i get laid, which is probly why i dont understand it. only people who cant get any are obsessed with myspace.
*not saying ur one of the ms douches*
Sammy - don't worry, I'm not offended. I joined MySpace for the access to great indie music and so I could see the rest of Michael K's photos.
Oh no, LA! There's no turning back now.
LA, you do have very beautiful eyes. I can see why you got so much traffic.
Be carefull.
Joy - Thanks, they're contacts. I'm a brown-eyed, brunette Italian. Better living through chemistry, I always say.
Ffleur - I totally hear you. I didn't take it that way about Daniel, anyway. Your description of Patois sounds exactly what he explained in concert before he did a song in that way, which if memory serves, was indeed "Jolie Marie." A sad folk tale, indeed.
Michael K just has about maybe 6-8 random photos of himself on there that I hadn't seen before. One is classic, he is posing in front of a "Fruitopia" vending machine. I LOLed when I saw that. What a sense of humor on that boy. Michael has a headful of gorgeous, curly hair.
LA, you had me fooled, your eyes are still pretty.
Those blue contacts look real.
congrats, LA!!! watch out for those sexual predators that look for young girls like you! haha
tell MK i heart him.
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