Italian Football Beefcake. I can't ID them, but seriously, does it even matter? Oh wait, that is Cannavaro on the far left. I'm digging the guy in the foreground on the right.
I often find myself going through life, shaking my head in disbelief at what I see. And then sometimes I am awed by something so stunningly beautiful that I'm breathless. I hope to document both here.
Think of the massages they need. Stiff is always good.
It reminds me of a flick I saw with all my gays called 'Turkish Bath House'.
Tres Gay.
It does look a little gay, Joy. But if we throw LA and Ffleur in there I think we would have the sequel to Caligula!!
With a happier ending! :D
Happier, but just as messy. it La and Flix !
schwing! i do see it now, LA. yes, i do see what you mean. buffon and cannavaro and canelloni and fettucine and salami. hot damn.
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