For Kitty, second of four

As delectable as Buffon is, I feel would be remiss if I didn't also draw your attention to Fabio Cannavaro, the Italian team captain and the man many believe deserved the 2006 World Cup Golden Ball. Let's just pause and reflect on that for a moment.
Perhaps this could start a post World Cup tribute to the participants - - let's review the teams one by one . . . and let me add . . . YOWZA
Yes please.
Why are you guys taking so many bathroom breaks today??!!
Flix is obviously management!
Sweet jesus...
There's not a dry seat in the office!!
There is a God!
is it possible for flesh to be chiseled by the hand of god himself? what? where am i? oh yeah, i'm supposed to be checking out buffon....okay, let's see what's happening on the next post...scrolling down....
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