What is it with Peeps and modern culture? They are a phenomenon unto themselves. Every year, I surf the web for new Peeps parodies. This year, my sister sent me this one. My all-time favorite is this classic. But this one rules, too.
Peeps are insane :) They are great when you bite into them. That funky sugary coating, then the softer inner birdie. But then, as you chew, it sinks in that you're chewing a huge wad of sugar and the guilt kicks in. And you feel ill! But I love em' :)
Ffleur - as a medical transcriptionist, I am dying at how "legit" the "op report" sounded. Without question, someone in medicine definitely wrote the copy on that webpage!
Mike - I can't believe you've blown them up! Are they still edible?
NV - Everything you say is true, however barring a diabetic coma, NOTHING will stop me from enjoying the sugary delight of Peeps!
I often find myself going through life, shaking my head in disbelief at what I see. And then sometimes I am awed by something so stunningly beautiful that I'm breathless. I hope to document both here.
Peeps are insane :) They are great when you bite into them. That funky sugary coating, then the softer inner birdie. But then, as you chew, it sinks in that you're chewing a huge wad of sugar and the guilt kicks in. And you feel ill! But I love em' :)
Peeps, peeps, peeps. I love them, too.
Into the microwave they go to blow up 5 times their regular size.
Peeps effing rule!
Ffleur - as a medical transcriptionist, I am dying at how "legit" the "op report" sounded. Without question, someone in medicine definitely wrote the copy on that webpage!
Mike - I can't believe you've blown them up! Are they still edible?
NV - Everything you say is true, however barring a diabetic coma, NOTHING will stop me from enjoying the sugary delight of Peeps!
Yea, you can still eat them.
They're just more sticky. Than they were before.. :)
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