RS/SN Week 6 *Spoiler Alert*

Anyway, here are the songs for the week six performance show tomorrow night. Early word is that Lukas killed his song and probably earned the encore. I expected he'd come back strong after a bad week last week. On the reality episode ( during the songwriting clinic, he totally blew them away with his song. Toby and Ryan looked strong, too. Sadly, Dilana's song did not wow. Neither did Jill's, but that was to be expected. They didn't show Zayra's (damnit), but maybe it will be up on the Rockstar site tomorrow.
Okay, here's the line-up:
Dilana - Won't Get Fooled Again (The Who) - with Gilby on guitar
Jill - Mother Mother (Tracy Bonham)
Ryan - Paint It Black (The Rolling Stones)
Storm - We Are the Champions (Queen)
Zayra - All the Young Dudes (David Bowie/Mott the Hoople)
Josh - Interstate Love Song (Stone Temple Pilots) - with Tommy on drums
Magni - The Dolphin's Cry (Live)
Patrice - Instant Karma (John Lennon)
Lukas - Creep (Radiohead)
Toby - Burning Down the House (Talking Heads)
I hear Ryan goes for broke in the "unexpected performance" category. I can only imagine Zayra singing All the Young Dudes. That's just going to be bananas. I love the Tracy Bonham song, but it's a screamer to begin with, so I shudder to think what Jill's going to do with it. Just analyzing this list, I gotta think the bottom three will include least Jill and Zayra, but heaven knows I've been wrong before. I think Josh will be invisible with Tommy on drums, and I'm a little worried for Patrice doing the Lennon tune. Hey, did you notice there is no Nirvana this week? I predict that coming out of the bottom three, if Toby's got anything to show at all, he's going to bring it this week. Oh, I also understand that Magni does a lovely guitar solo on his tune.
It was power dining in Manhattan Beach tonight as the owner of Mama D's hosted the owner of Harry O's at his table. WTF is up with these names, anyway? I had the halibut at a nearby table. Good times.
I can really see Lukas pulling off "Creep." Let's hope this time he remembers the lyrics and faces the audience. As for the trainwreck that is Zayra... if there is a god, place her in the bottom 3 right now, but don't kick her off! I want to see her massacre every song that is known to man. She is a hot mess. Good song selections this week for everyone except for Strom and Zayra.
That's an awesome picture. I've never seen this show. When does it air?
Prunella - The performance show is Tuesday nights on CBS. Elimination show is Wednesday nights. Check it out!
I like DiLana's choice - she should rock the Who . . . and Zayra's choice is spectacularly bad - they have got to be doing this on purpose.
They must spend big bucks on that lawn.
Dilana rocks my socks, and so do The Who. Hopefully Lukas will put down the beer and learn his songs (yeah, my theory is that he was seriously drunk last week).
I'm so tired of Patrice, Jill, Zayra, and Josh. Vote em all off at once and spare me the torture.
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