I didn't dvr SNL but saw a couple of the skits on youtube. The pick up women like Don Draper bit was pretty good, but the 2 a-holes go to an ad agency skit was a waste of talent
the 2 a-holes go to an ad agency skit was a waste of talent
TOTALLY agree! That and the opening segment stunk up the show.
I thought Jon Hamm was surprisingly funny, though. I didn't know how he'd be as a comic actor, and overall I was impressed. He did a great James Mason impression.
I've got their first CD. They are pretty amazing live. My friend said she went to see them before they hit it big and had no idea who they were. When they came out, she thought they were an Appalachian band. But as soon as they started singing, she was blown away.
I often find myself going through life, shaking my head in disbelief at what I see. And then sometimes I am awed by something so stunningly beautiful that I'm breathless. I hope to document both here.
I didn't dvr SNL but saw a couple of the skits on youtube. The pick up women like Don Draper bit was pretty good, but the 2 a-holes go to an ad agency skit was a waste of talent
the 2 a-holes go to an ad agency skit was a waste of talent
TOTALLY agree! That and the opening segment stunk up the show.
I thought Jon Hamm was surprisingly funny, though. I didn't know how he'd be as a comic actor, and overall I was impressed. He did a great James Mason impression.
These are NAshville boys.
Pru - Have you seen them live? That song is taking KROQ by storm!
KOL are totally awesome. i want me a mountain man.
la - I love this song too - gotta download it too
I've got their first CD. They are pretty amazing live. My friend said she went to see them before they hit it big and had no idea who they were. When they came out, she thought they were an Appalachian band. But as soon as they started singing, she was blown away.
Oh and I meant to add that this is what I Bo BIce's record was supposed to sound like. Instead of that wretched faux-Southern Rock tripe.
Good tune. I had not heard of KOL before. I became disenchanted with KROQ a while back.
Thanks for the recent visits to my blog.
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