The Bitter with the Sweet
This summer has been all sweetness and light with the birth of my niece. But life has a way of tossing you a curve ball, and that pitch was thrown last week when my sister's sweet doggy Bugsy died at age 15. He was in kidney failure and fell ill the day after my mom flew home to Michigan. Last week was a rough week, and this one is, too.I gave a 12-week-old Bugsy to my sister as a birthday present when she turned 25 in 1993. She turned 40 on July 22, and Bugsy passed on August 1, 2008. He was a beloved member of our family, and he is sorely missed by all. If you know my sister, drop her a line. She's grieving hard.
Aw, losing a beloved pet is so hard. Hugs to your sis.
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed meeting you. You rock!
LA, you have to help your sister find a new dog. (When she is ready.)
oh... losing a pet is such a hard thing. i lost my pet few years ago and bf lost his over xmas last year.
It's hard enough to lose a family pet, but when one has been with the family for such a long period of time, it's worse. I'll send happy thoughts your way.
I'm glad I got to meet Bugsy. He was a very sweet puppy, and my heart goes out to Gina.
I know how pets can become like members of the family, and these stories always make me sad. Please pass along my condolences.
OT: I'm jealous you and Diane got to meet Pru and feel guilty that I haven't even made the effort to do the same and I'm practically around the corner from you two. We're going to have to do that really soon!!
Sad news for the family, but I am glad that he was there for them, and they were there for him.
Peace to all the pets and the people that love them!
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
The loss of a pet is hard. Being a dog owner, I try not to think about it too much. Once your sister gets through the grieving process, maybe she'd like another dog.
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