Mediterranean Done Right
Remember this post, where I showed a picture of the ugliest McMansion in town? By contrast, I want to show you a photo of a home I really love. It's in the same neighborhood as the Donnie Darko/American Pie/Ferris Bueller houses (see posts from 04/08) and not where I live.To me, this home represents the quintessential California dream, a pale terracotta Spanish/Med with lush grounds, surrounded by palm trees and a pool in the backyard. It's all good. It's actually available for TV/movie shoots, and you can see more of it, including interiors (and I can tell you right now, I'd redecorate) here, but these are my drive-by shots this weekend. Maybe ffleur and prettykitty are right... maybe I am a house-stalkerazzi!

Sweet! Love that house.
OK, remember I said I would try and take pictures of the cool little houses in my neighborhood?
Well, I started to do that on the dog walk earlier, then it started to rain.
But, I got this one, just down from me.
Quite cute, and for sale:
You pay alot for a little in CA.
(I know. It's warm all year.)
Love you house pics LA, you are such a house-a-razzi! ;)
well, getflix, it's warm in Southern CA all year (for the most part).
you know, we actually do have snow in our state.
in fact, the tallest mountain in the lower 48 is in CA.
lake tahoe is in CA (and NV, since the line runs through it) and there are a multitude of ski areas.
the north coast of our great state is full of giant redwoods and cool coastal weather.
I love this house, and I will go ahead and let you redecorate it when I buy it :)
Trish - OMG, you used that photo I took as an avatar! ROFLMAO!
Mike - I love the pink house in your neighborhood. I love that style. Keep taking more photos! It quit raining and it's light out later, so you're set!
Flix - Yes, real estate is insane here. It saddens me, but it's home.
La, I loved that avatar so much and I use it in my head when I go for that extra piece of chocolate cake.
LA, your photos are great!!
i went up to greystone manor in BH this past weekend with friends. of course we didn't have a camera, and now that i'm looking at yours, i'm kicking myself over it. if you ever get a chance, drive up doheny and check it out. amazing views and beautiful architecture, not to mention the added bonus of being the set of some films and TV shows.
looking forward to your commentary!
As if on demand, here you go:
Damn, Mike, you are good! Going there now!
Mike - I love your house! OMG, a Cape Cod in SD! That front deck looks really great, and your garden is gorgeous. And I love that you're way up off the street.
My other faves were the terracotta Spanish (file 114) and the Tudor (I'm a big fan of Tudor style homes) @ file 117. Thank you for sharing. Isn't it fun to shoot houses? I totally love it.
I always wanted to take a walk and just shoot some of the stuff I see.
you should have seen all the work that went into that 1914 house.
an old couple bought that several years ago and have spent a ton of time just about all themselves making it look good.
all the exterior paint was stripped down to the bare wood and redone.
he rebuilt the front steps, too.
it was amazing to watch.
a few months back, there was a story in the paper about it. if I can find it online, I'll get you the link.
I'd be really interested to read that story if you can find it. It's a lovely home. Do you know the square footage? It looks like it is probably pretty large!
Kitty - YOu know, I've always meant to get up to Greystone... don't know why I haven't been there yet! I hear great things about it.
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