What's My Age, Again?
UPDATE: A couple more pictures - one color saturated - for Joy.

After months of indecision, I finally bought a new phone tonight to replace my 5-year-old Nokia dinosaur. I settled on the RAZR because I like the size (both the slim design and the way it reaches both my ear and my mouth), the long bettery life, and the fact that it has an alarm clock. The alarm clock is something I can't compromise on... did you know some phones don't have them? At the last minute, I lost my mind and got PINK! I don't know what happened. I saw it and thought it was really cute, and decided, "oh, what the hell." I can't wait for my brother to see it. He's going to look at the phone, look at me, and say "I don't even know you anymore." Seriously, you guys have no idea how far outside my comfort zone it was to get a pink phone. Did I mention I have 30 days to go back and trade it in for black or silver? Yeah, I've got an out just in case I wake up and say to myself, "what's my age again?" This might be my first real symptom of a midlife crisis.
I think it's hottt. :) Life's short -- live a little!
hey, embrace your inner pink.. razor. :)
Pink is cool for a chick!!
It's girly, LA. Go for it. You are a girl, after all, and don't forget it. I hope it works out great for you. I'm not a cell phone pro at all. I just buy the cheapest and hope it charges properly and has a ring tone I can hear. This is because I end up replacing it every 6 months anyway as my husband loses them like they're disposable :)
Just got an email from my sister.
Subject: I can't believe...
Text: ...you got a pink cell phone!
I'm telling you guys, pink is WAY outside of my box (pun kinda intended).
LA that is awsome. I was totally thinking about getting that exact phone.
I love pink but only in small doses.
Pink has no age limit, both genders love the color. Is that the soft pink, or the fuschia one?
I can't tell. I like the soft pink one. Let us know how it takes pictures, and the quality of the speakerphone. I'm still on the fence about it.
I love it!!!!!
Joy, I *think* it's the fushia. They only had one shade of pink and the box says "pink." I added a couple pictures, this time taken in daylight.
I also love the pink phone! Embrace the pink, Love the pink!
does it come in black? haha just kidding. i think the pink one is totally hot. saying totally hot is way out of my comfort range. must be contagious!
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