McDreamy Wants Me!

I'm really enjoying the twice weekly episodes of Grey's this summer. Since I just started watching it two-thirds of the way into the second season, I'm getting caught up on the episodes I missed with ABC's aggressive schedule.
I really, really prefer Addison to Meredith. I know those are fighting words for some people, but there it is. If you're interested, you can go on the ABC website and listen to podcasts by the creator and producer. They don't reveal anything about next season, but if you're a junkie like me who needs a fix, this might help.
ABC is smart to run it twice a week. There is so little on during the summer, at least for me. I don't need to catch every episode again. But still enjoyable to watch now and then.
I am in a state of mourning for you.. :)
you're starting to sound like that delusional woman stalking colin farrell on the tonight show. let's just hope mcdreamy has you escorted away with your dignity intact!
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