Hot, Hot, Hot

How did you guys like Storm's original song? This is the tune I mentioned a week or two ago. Obviously, she sang the PG version of Ladylike, but there's definitely an R-rated version where the lyrics are more ironic. Check it out on her myspace. I dig this song, it kicks my ass.

Dilana keeps talking about "the incident," but everyone else seems to want to move on. Sadly enough, as she continues to fall apart, so do her performances. I thought she sounded okay on Behind Blue Eyes, but her original song wasn't up to par with the competition. Tomorrow night, I think we'll hear the Tommyhawk say, "Dilana, mama, you're the next to go."
Tonight was great. It will be between Lukas and Toby. I think that either of these two will be great as the lead singer of a group that will probably go nowhere. They will certainly have a sucessful career after Supernova.
Ryan - I totally think it's down to these two, that's why I put up the second picture. Plus it's cute. ;)
it is a very cute photo of the two of them!
God damnit, Blogger! My comment is gone.
Well here's a recap of it.
I think they are doing everything in their power to make Dilana look insane. What up with the crazy death stares she's giving to the other rockers as they perform? And for the love of god, let it go! No one cares anymore. I say Dilana is the next to go. Possibly in a straightjacket.
Magni... He's not making a huge impact. He's really great, but he's falling short of some others. Still, I do have a soft spot in my heart for his cute bald head.
Storm brought it down with her set. She was great on both songs and I did enjoy her original, but it fell short of Toby's original. Still, she's got talent, that one. I think she'll make bottom 3.
Lukas is a mumbley-joe. I have a hard time trying to figure out what he's saying and I wasn't a fan of his original. Still, I do give him credit for making Livin' on a Prayer work. Because that's hard to do.
And finally, TOBY! How awesome was that??? I think he'll get the encore for his original. I hope he does anyway, because he worked it! I see him making bottom 2. Plus, he's super cute.
Dilana's done for tonight.
P.S. I think my second comment wound up being longer than my first. I guess I get excitable when it comes to Rockstar.
Dilana is going down. The Titanic hit anothe ice berg and is taking on water. Toby moves up to #1 on my rankings. One more week and then we get our lives back?????
Seriously, Eddie. I desperately want my life back.
The Dilana implosion has become too awkward and embarrassing to watch. Let's pray SuavePorn is putting us out of our collective misery and eliminating her RIGHT NOW!
However, I doubt that they are because I think they are a bunch of idiots. Toby's my #1, too, but I still think Lukas is SN's #1. Meh.
Ok, so once again I'm a day late and a dollar short, but what happened to Dilana's foot/ankle? And it is pretty painful to watch her desperately trying to be buddies with the rest of the kids . . .
p.s. Storm's Wish You Were Here was AMAZING
Diana - Dilana allegedly tore a calf muscle during rehearsal for the elimination show this week. Personally, I think nothing's wrong with her, and this is part of her diva/drama act.
She's left with three boys who do NOT love her. Hopefully, they'll put her out of her misery early on Wednesday night's show.
Mishy - I know! Her "intense" look is pretty ridiculous. And when she did that stupid kiss tonight in the Cheap Trick song, it was, well, a cheap trick. How did you feel about seeing Lukas' original two nights in a row?
Diane - I love that song. Storm's mom is fairly recently deceased. I guess that explains why Jason Newsted, former Metallica bassist, was weeping.
LA - Here is my response to the question you asked on Pixie's page:
"Ryan - Are you a vet student?"
I am an MBA Student, but I have many friends that are either Vet students or are veterinarians. I am actually going to Texas A&M University in a few weeks to visit my good friends Brad and Claire. They are married and are both veterinarians who are in residents at the university.
Ryan - Ah, thanks! :) Whenever I hear UC Davis, I automatically think of the DVM program.
I see Toby winning.
Spank that monkey!!
Pelegrim - from your mouth to Mark Burnett's ears!
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