She's Back!
I'm back from a small hiatus. My mom was here for two weeks, last week at my brother's house, this week at mine (which means I've been sleeping on the sofa). So I've barely had time to read any of my usual favorite blogs, let alone update mine. We had a couple birthdays in the family including my sister's 40th, and so Little Miss Ava ventured out for the first time to a couple of restaurants.Something fun happened in Ava's development last week. She suddenly went from being a "newborn" to being a "baby," meaning she has started focusing and reacting purposefully to things she sees and notices. You can look at her and make her laugh now. She appears to like music and baths because both make her "dance and sing," that is to say, she gets very animated, moves her limbs around in an excited and playful manner, smiles, and vocalizes happily. She will also focus on your face, recognize you and smile (or even giggle if you play your cards right). Talk about a heart-melting experience.
It's clear that she's very frustrated with the little mittens that they put on babies' hands. She tries desperately to pull her arms out of her swaddler, and she protests quite angrily when the mittens go on. In fact, she's already figured out that if she stretches out her fingers, it impedes the process. Her hands are also finding their way to her mouth. These seem like such simple things, but it's fascinating to see what she's figured out since the last time I've seen her. There's always something new.
I love that she likes music.
Get her started on Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham early!!
BTW I can't believe that's the same Lil Ava. She's as headstrong and gorgeous as her namesake!!
A newborn baby in the family is such a wonderful blessing. And what a beautiful smile Ava has.
Ahhhh, her beauty is priceless.
Sweet baby!
She's precious!
Did you survive the earthquake LA? Hope everything is fine. I hate earthquakes! I don't think anything will top the SF Quake of 1989. I will remember that day until I die. That was some scary shit.
Ryan, I had just moved here from up North when the '89 hit. It was heartbreaking. I was here in So Cal during the Northridge quake. Fortunately this one didn't do as much damage, but I was at a stoplight while driving and I seriously thought this was the Big One!!
BTW LA, who are the peeps in the pictures?
LA, it's a great time for your family. (And hopefully mom's visit was smooth.)
Kook - That's my mom and brother in the top picture with Ava, the bottom one is my sister with the baby.
Flix - It was a very good visit, she's so happy to be a grandma.
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