Losing Interest

I thought I'd be happier to see Zayra leave Rockstar. But the truth is, I'm ambivalent. And I think it's because I'm becoming less and less interested in Rockstar Supernova each week. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'll watch it to the end, I'm too invested at this point to walk away without seeing it through. Plus, I have to see if Toby makes good on his promise to run naked down Melrose.
But goddamn, did you guys see Supernova play tonight? They are FUCKING CHEESE! I didn't expect them to be
great or anything. I'd characterize my expectations to be pretty neutral. But that display tonight was craptastic, from the song that was pure garbage, to Dilana's coordinated moves with the horrible,
horrible dancing girls, to the super 8 effect, it was all bad. Really bad. And I was disappointed. I guess I shouldn't be, I suppose I knew deep down that it could suck that hard. But really, that exceeded my lowest expectations.

While we're on the subject of Dilana, I might as well just go there. I'm losing the love for her a little bit more each week, and tonight, it totally bottomed out. It's hard to put my finger on what exactly it is that's pushing me away, but something definitely is. I'm less and less impressed with her performances as time goes on. I was blown away by Lithium and Zombie, but when she sang with SN tonight, I could barely watch. I literally kept averting my eyes.

So now that there are only seven remaining singers, the competition can get a little bit more serious. I think it's a given that Patrice is next to go. She's been in the bottom three something like four times in seven weeks. Everyone else remaining is really talented, and as long as Supernova stays off the stage, the rest of the performances should be really good. I don't know who is most disappointed to see Zayra's elimination tonight, Jason Newsted or
Michael K.
Oh, and did you see what
Dave Navarro wrote in his blog today? He wrote, "P.S. Just to set the record straight, I am currently not dating ANYONE." So much for the Jenna Jameson rumors!
I think we probably have Tommy to blame for the dancing girls. Tommy is a good drummer, and a good natured fellow, but I doubt he'd qualify as a musical genius. Gilby replaced Izzy, not Slash, in GnR, and Jason is, well, a bass player. But I do dig Dilana, and I'm enjoying watching a gal in her late '30's getting the best of the competition.
I really couldn't care who went home last night. I was surprised that Magni was in the bottom three though...
My question? How freakin' hard is it to sing Celebrity Skin? And sing is correctly? Patrice decided to sing it after Lukas butchered it and then she completely messed up the lyrics! But no one called her on it? Whatever.
Patrice is totally out the door next week. Then hopefully it gets better.
LA, I agree with you on Supernova's song. It was terrible. Now, I kinda feel bad for who ever has to lead the band and sing that crappy music. Plus, how much do Tommy and Gilby dislike Jason? Its becoming more and more obvious every week.
Run away LA. While you can!!!!
Flix - I'm gonna finish this one, but this is my LAST reality show! UGH! What shyte!
You know, I'm totally with you on this. Ambivalence mixed in with alot of indifference. I knew that even though Magni was in the bottom three, that it would be one of the girls who was going home. But give me a break. I would tolerate one more week of Zayra before you force me to listen to Patrice butcher another song. And why would they each sing a song that was already sung on previous shows. But nothing convinced me that I was watching a machine than that performance of Dilana with Supernova. That sucked. Alot!
I hope I can deal with the coming weeks, but truthfully, this is worse than last season's American Idol. Yep, that's what I said. I found myself wishing for some Soul Patrol. Okay. I went too far, but I am really over Rock Star.
Well like you LA I'm in it to the end. And now I have no one to hate :^) ....xecpt maybe for Jason? And did you catch the look on Storm's face? I think she was counting on being in the bottom three....maybe so she could perform an original song from her band? Cause after Patrice her days may be short too.......
Why are they all wearing Disco outfits? LOL !
i was gonna email you about tonight's spoiler, but i couldn't access any wi-fi to hook up to the internet. life as a gypsy, ya know. i'm so glad patrice is gone. and what the heck is up with dilana?
Good drama, eh Kitty? The competition should be really good from here on out.
Hi LA, great post. I didn't know you were covering rockstar (I am an occasional visitor and I link to you)but I agree with your assessment. Most of the comments I have read about the singers on the show are that they are too good for Supernova. It's becoming more of a reality show and less about a band, though the band tries to sell it differently. Zayra was so perfect for Michael K, no?
la, i so hate dilana now it's not even funny. i don't care if she is inexperienced. her behavior was totally uncalled for and her ego is out of control. on another note: i just noticed that cool juke box at the side. that is so groovy. i am a huge white stripes fan. i could cuddle up to jack's milky flesh.
Thanks to this week's episode, Dilana is dead to me! I wouldn't be surprised if her voting dropped significantly.
I'm all about Magni now.
Have a super fine weekend, LA. Your rock, and we need to see some more of you knitting.
Hey - I missed part of this week's show - what did Dilana do? And how come Magni has been in the bottom 3 twice? Please don't tell me I have to start voting . . .
Hey everyone, busy week last week, sorry I didn't get a chance to respond here but I think I covered it in my new post.
Diane - Yes, you're going to have to start voting... Magni's in deep trouble!
Diane - I meant to add that Storm at 37 is actually older than Dilana at (just) 34. Patrice, the one who was just eliminated, is 36. So Dilana was actually the third oldest cast member. I know, I was surprised, too.
Damn - then Dilana has been ridden hard and put away wet . . I thought I read that she was 38 . . . .
I read that Dilana was 38 too. Hum...
She posted on her official show blog that she celebrated her 34th on August 10th.
http://rockstar2006dilana.spaces.live.com/ (see 08/12 post)
Maybe since she told the press that Storm is a grandma, someone's getting some revenge.
Wow - so Dilana did have her claws out then . . .I'm sure there are lots of guys thinking that Storm is a G.I.L.F. . . .
p.s. that is very cool you might go to the taping tomorrow - I admit I assumed it was sort of live on Tuesdays . . .
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