Rockstar Supernova - The Finale

Nothing official, at least.
This photo of Toby with Supernova was taken a couple of weeks ago. When they were down to the final five, Supernova did promotional shots with each remaining contestant, presumably to get product out ASAP. The Supernova album is done save vocals, and Tommy Lee is already on tour with Motley Crue; thus, photos were taken two weeks before a winner was officially chosen.
As I type these words, taping for the finale is in session or just ending. In fact, this could be a serendipitous moment in that as I'm typing these words, the winner is possibly being announced on the CBS lot to a live audience. Or not.
My guess: Lukas Rossi.
My preference: Toby Rand.
Since Storm was eliminated last week, I've been a little less enthusiastic about the show. Don't get me wrong. I didn't think she was going to win, but I think Mark Burnett Productions miscalculated on keeping Dilana as the last female rocker standing. Storm was just way more interesting than Dilana, and my interest level dropped accordingly.
That's not to say I didn't watch the reality webisodes nor the show last night. Of course I did.
My take on last night's show is thus: When Ryan Star was introduced as the audience encore, I realized that I hadn't missed him at all. That's not to say I don't like his song or that I don't think he's talented; I'm just not really into him. Why did Dilana get to introduce him? Isn't that Brooke Burke's job? And why was Paula Abdul there? WTF?
Tommy Lee made it pretty clear that Magni's out. No surprise, but I took exception to his criticism of Magni's original song, saying it's not as memorable as the other three. Bull. Dilana's original pretty much sucks ass. Sure, Magni's original may not be as memorable as Toby's or Luke's, but it's 100x more memorable than Dilana's. Watching Supernova this summer has made me much more immune to Tommy Lee's charms. Bitch is a little primadonna.
Speaking of primadonnas, let's talk about Gilby Clarke for a minute. Have you ever watched his face when Magni's playing guitar? One reason Magni will never get this gig is because he's exponentially the guitar player Dilby is. The jealousy is palpable and observable right across Dilby's face.
So oddly enough, Jason Newsted has made a meteoric rise from my least favorite to favorite member of Supernova, mostly by exception, but his star rose a lot with me when I found out how devoted he is to animal welfare and that he's a big dog lover.
It's funny that this whole show was designed to build excitement and interest in Supernova, but on the brink of the big finale, I'm instead consumed with thoughts of what douches these guys all are. I'm probably just outside of their target demographic in terms of age, but I do spend my disposable income on CDs and concerts, so that should be of concern to the machine behind this show.
One more final thought. The House Band fucking rocks, and has anyone noticed how much they light up when Magni's on stage with them? They should break off from this Supernova fiasco (when all their contractual obligations are fulfilled) and tour on their own. I bet they'd be a huge success. Also, you can download music from Toby's real band in Australia, Juke Kartel, on iTunes. Good stuff. Check out Storm Large's original music on CD Baby which is truly awesome.
Next season's RS SN will be to find the band a real lead guitarist . . .
p.s. cool info about Jason
p.p.s. but no doubt, the house band ROCKS!
This is a good summary of last night's show! Honestly, I always immediately forget what I've seen, but you recap it so brilliantly!
I think you're right about Gilby v. Magni. I actually like Magni and hope to see him succeed only because he seems like a really nice guy. I thought the performances were pretty good last night, even Dilana. But if I have to hear Lucas sing Head Spin one more time, it's gonna make mine spin right off. I hate Ryan Star so much. I hope I never have to see or hear from him again.
I am really excited about tonight. Are you?
BTW: Spot on with the douche reference as well.
TOTALLY excited, Kookla, and I've remained spoiler-free.
I'm super excited for tonight. I thought Tommy's criticism of Magni was wrong. Dilana's song isn't even close to his (or any of the boy's songs) and I even prefer Magni's over Lukas'. But whatever.
I still can't stand Jason. He totally reminds me of an ex-bf who had limited social skills.
I kinda hope that Lukas or Dilana win, because I don't see myself liking Supernova will do (based off the crap they've already showcased). I want to see Storm, Magni and Toby as solo artists. That's where they will shine.
La, it's been a great run this summer. We get our lives back tonight. Out of the final four, two I will jump on the net and buy tickets and two my Visa goes back into the wallet unspoiled. Tommy Lee chopped Magni off at the knees. Oh heck all of your thoughts on last nights show are spot on. It's been fun.........
i've already seen two spoilers, with two different winners, so i have absolutely no idea who's going to win! but this should be pretty exciting. TEAM LUKAS!!
what are you going to do with yourself NOW, young lady?? :)
That's the million dollar question, Mike!
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